Our Human Rights Work
MCC Toronto has long been a place of action and an inspiring, progressive voice in our city, country, and world. With the support of our congregation and the broader community, MCC Toronto led ground-breaking Human Rights campaigns to advocate for sexual orientation equity in the Ontario and Canadian Human Rights Acts, and continues to play a collaborative role in addressing a range of Human Rights issues important to the community including homophobia, gay conversion therapy, trans inclusion, anti-racism, and much more.
Through its Human Rights work, MCC Toronto strives every day to bring people together in the pursuit of defending and protecting equity both at home and overseas.
Our work gives hope to assist refugees who identify as LGBTQ+ and who are fleeing daily danger and threats of violence, state-sanctioned public persecution and arrest in their home countries. Identifying yourself as LGBTQ+ is still a criminal offence in 72 countries. In 8 of those countries, your punishment is death.
Since 1995, MCC Toronto has covered the real costs to house The Triangle Program, Canada’s first and longest-running high school for at-risk LGBTQ2+ youth.
A partnership with the TDSB (Toronto District School Board), the Triangle Program provides a safe and welcoming learning environment for LGBTQ2+ youth that allows them to be their authentic selves.
Our provision of space and support to the Triangle Program has enabled over 750 at-risk LGBTQ2+ youth to graduate from high school. Our on-going support has also enabled students – past and current – to develop the skills and resilience needed to break free of the stigma and self-doubts that contribute to the higher rates of suicide, substance abuse and mental health issues among the broader LGBTQ2+ youth community.
MCC Toronto is extremely grateful to our corporate partners RBC and TD Bank Group for their vital financial support of this partnership.
Youth Mental Health Support
MCC Toronto is partnering with RBC to advance mental health supports to youth aged 18-29 with a particular focus on LGBTQ2+ youth who have considerably higher rates of depression, anxiety, addiction and mental health issues than their heterosexual peers.
While we will soon be launching special programs and supports for youth to address these issues, there are a number of organizations doing important work in this area. If you or a loved one is in need of supports, please consider reaching out to these community resources listed here.
Community Outreach Partnership Grant
Once a year, MCC Toronto invites local non-profit organizations to submit grant applications to fund innovative and supportive community projects that align with MCC Toronto’s values and initiatives.

Benevolence Fund
MCC Toronto has a robust Benevolence Fund, contributed by congregants, for congregants’ use during emergencies or times of special need. We do encourage individuals to seek out government services first.
If you or a congregant you know is in need of financial assistance please make a Benevolence Fund Request by filling out this online form or via email here.
Community Meals
At MCC Toronto, breaking bread and sharing a community meal together is time we cherish. At various times across the year, MCC Toronto is proud to host special Community Meals that are welcoming and free of charge to attend. Please visit our events page for details of upcoming community meals.

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