With Heartfelt Gratitude

It is with heartfelt gratitude that I am pleased to share with you the results of our 2020 year-end fundraising efforts.

In early October, when MCC Toronto launched our special year-end KEEPING THE FAITH Campaign, we were facing the potential of an unsustainable financial situation due to the significant revenue losses caused by COVID-19. We appealed to you – our Members, congregants and donors – to help us keep the faith by ensuring that MCC Toronto had the resources to continue to sustain and build out our spiritual and Human Rights work.

And you responded. Beyond our expectations.

Between the KEEPING THE FAITH Campaign, Major Gifts and Christmas Offerings, MCC Toronto raised a truly remarkable $265,000 over the last three months of 2020. Our KEEPING THE FAITH Campaign – led by Margaret “Margie” McCain’s generous matching gift of $75,000 – raised a total of $225,000, well above our initial goal of $150,000, and even in excess of our increased goal of $200,000.

MCC Toronto’s continued ability to build community, to connect and keep people engaged, to provide care and love to those who need it most, would not have been possible without this clear and demonstrative faith that you have in us.

On behalf of our Board and the entire staff and volunteer team at MCC Toronto – thank you, thank you, thank you. We are awed and inspired by your generosity in response to our need and grateful for the continued good blessings that you have brought.

Special thanks to congregants who recorded video testimonials for us to share during the Campaign on how they were keeping their faith. We appreciated your kind words and were moved by your stories.

While challenges will continue into 2021, and as we wait for a return to some level of normalcy, let us take comfort in knowing that, together, we can achieve so much.


– Rev. Jeff Rock

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