MCC Toronto Men’s Retreat

We’re delighted to announce that after a two year absence, MCC Toronto’s Men’s Retreat is back! Organized by a core committee of volunteers, led by Co-Chairs Fabian Walsh and Kevin Willcock, this annual men’s pilgrimage provides an opportunity for individual and group reflection in a safe and respectful space, all the while celebrating spirituality and togetherness in a beautiful country setting. This year’s theme is “Living our Authentic Self“.

We invite anyone who identifies as male to join us. All new or returning registrants are welcome!

The retreat involves a combination of short presentations, personal reflection and group participation. This process has long been used to provide a safe, respectful space for reflection and group sharing that is completely invitational. Participation is always at an individual’s comfort level.

This year’s facilitator is Murray Watson. Murray is a queer Catholic theologian, spiritual leader and educator. After 18 years of service as a Catholic priest, Murray stepped down, in order to live his personal truth, and he now serves as the Adult Faith Animator for the Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board, based in Barrie.

Discovering who we truly are—and then becoming that someone—is the journey of a lifetime (and it’s not easy!). Striving for personal authenticity means moving beyond the false façades we so often create to please the people around us. Members of the 2SLGBTQ+ communities especially understand how painful that journey can be, the courage it demands … and the freedom that comes with being able to name and live our truth. During this year’s MCC Men’s Retreat, our facilitator, Murray Watson, will invite us to reflect on our genuine and false selves, to embrace the beautiful person God made us to be, and to live out our personal uniqueness in ways that are life-giving for us, and transformative for the world around us.


What to expect:

  •  Participate according to one’s comfort level
  •  Make new friends
  •  Enjoy the beauty of the Niagara Region
  •  Relax, and nurture your spirit
  •  Personal quiet time and reflection
  • Join together in Sunday Worship
  • Good accommodations and food, bonfire and sing-a-long
  • All Participants must be fully vaccinated

LOCATION: Jericho House has rooms with full washrooms, games/recreational room, air conditioning, dining/conference area, chapel, country setting, outdoor labyrinth, hiking trails, bonfire, and wi-fi.

Address: 10845 Rathfon Road, Wainfleet, Ontario, L0S1V0
Jericho House contact information for emergency purposes only: 905-834-0553

Dates: May 27– 29, 2022

Registration: You can register in person after Sunday Services, in the social hall at the men’s retreat registration table on May 1,8,15, 22. Or you can register online by clicking on the link below.



Registration Fees:

Regular registration: $200.00
Young Adults (18-25): $190.00
Please note that there will be no refunds after May 22. 

Donations to the scholarship fund are welcome and encouraged.
Suggested amounts are: $25.00__, $50.00__, $75.00__, $100__
The retreat is from 5pm Friday to Sunday Lunch.
Carpool can be arranged

Food Disclaimer: Reasonable effort to accommodate your gluten free and vegetarian dietary needs will be made. If you need a specific dietary food it is your responsibility to bring this specific dietary food with you.

For those who wish to attend, please click HERE to review the Dos and Don’ts!

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