Important Information About Attending Our In-Person Worship Services

MCC Toronto seeks to be a community for ALL and we want to provide options so everyone can be part of our vibrant, inclusive, and progressive church. So, we have created a “hybrid” of In-Person and online Worship Services to reach as many people as possible with our message of inclusive spirituality and human rights for all. Currently, folks are invited to join us for in-person Sunday Worship Services at 9 and 11 AM or to watch our 11 AM Sunday Worship Service livestreamed on YouTube ( which is also archived for later viewing.

To attend our in-person Worship Services, please note:

  • Those over the age of 12 will be asked to show a Vaccine Passport QR code OR proof of vaccination and complete an easy contact tracing form when they arrive. Pre-registration is NOT required (except for Christmas Eve). Please be aware that we at MCC Toronto will never ask you for your confidential health information like your vaccine status, but we will ask you to show a vaccine passport that signals your government certification to be in public gatherings. If you wish to use a proof of vaccination rather than a QR Code Vaccine Passport you are welcome to do so. No record of your vaccine status or QR code will be kept and all information gathered will be held in the strictest of confidences. We ask that only those who have been double vaccinated if they can be vaccinated attend in-person services so we can include those under the age of 12 and those who cannot be vaccinated.
  •  A maximum of 200 congregants are permitted at each of our 9 and 11 AM Worship Services.
  • Congregants will be asked to sit in household bubbles and maintain 2 meters from other bubbles and wear a mask at all times.
  •  While the resumption of Children’s Church is on hold for the time being, a reminder that children and families are extraordinarily welcome at MCC Toronto. Children will stay in worship within their family bubble and activity sheets and seasonal children’s packages will be available weekly.
  • Congregational singing and speaking during in-person services will be limited, choir anthems will be pre-recorded, several choir members and an offertory soloist will lead additional in-person music.
  •  Coffee Hour/Café Connections and high contact worship elements like anointing and the hand of friendship are suspended for the time being.
  • Communion will be optional and has been modified for safety using individual communion cups and wafers delivered in a physically distanced way.
  • In lieu of the passing of the offertory plate, we have placed offering envelopes in pew pockets that can be filled out and placed in offertory baskets at the exits, or given to a staff/volunteer who will be available in the social hall. Credit card or debit donations can be made in the social hall following worship. Alternatively you can make an online donation anytime at: Please give generously as we seek to recoup significant losses incurred through COVID-19 lockdowns. We especially invite those who have found MCC Toronto’s service online grounding through the pandemic to consider a gift and let us know where in the world you have been watching from.

Congregational Care continues to be available thanks to our Lay Ministers and Clergy team. To make a congregational care or prayer request or a benevolence fund request, please visit or fill out one of the yellow prayer cards in the sanctuary pew pockets and place in offertory baskets, but please if you touch it, take it. Following in person worship, candle lighting will be available the chapel and a Lay Minister will be available in Room 100 for a moment of personal prayer.

MCC Toronto has worked hard to respond to the continuing pandemic, restore our in-person services, and renew and build back better than ever before.

If you have any questions or require any accommodation, please contact

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