Annual Congregational Business Meeting 2022
1. Call to Order
2. Opening Prayer
3. Establish Quorum
4. Approval of the 2022 ACBM Agenda
5. Approval of the 2021 ACBM Minutes
6. Senior Pastor’s Report (received for information from Annual Report)
7. Motion to Receive Audited Financial Statements for 2021
8. Motion to Reappoint Hillborn LLC as the Auditor for 2022
9. Elections of Members to the Board of Directors
10. Thanking outgoing Board of Directors
11. Electing Lay Delegates to the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches General Conference
12. Budget for 2022 and financial update (received for information)
13. Introducing MCC Toronto staff
14. Call for Adjournment
Link to printable version here: Printable Agenda
2021 ACBM Minutes
Link to 2021 ACBM Minutes: Minutes of the 2021 ACBM
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2021 Audited Statement
Audit – Metropolitan Community Church of Toronto
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Intent to Reappoint Auditor
The Board of Directors have accepted the finance committee’s recommendation to reappoint Hilborn LLP as auditor for the 2022 financial year.
Candidate for Election to MCC Toronto’s Board of Directors: Stephenie Naugler

Stephenie Naugler
I have been a full-fledged member of MCCT for over 20 years along with my partner, Margi Wallace but also attended regularly prior to our becoming monthly donating members. We worked together as Sanctuary Saints for over 15 years until the church changed the time to the
day shift when I was still attending work. We regularly volunteered to assist with MCCT’s Christmas Eve service at Roy Thompson Hall in roles of usher/communion servers. With the MCCT Dragon Boat team, I held a number of positions over 10 seasons such as the team Administrative Assistant, Race Coordinator and then Captain which allowed me to use my skills in people management and problem solving to have a number of successful seasons. I have since been assisting Margi with the Refugee clothing handouts/organizing her space as needed since 2017. I recently retired in July of 2021 but wanted to add to my volunteering experience and so began working at the Birchcliff Bluffs United Church Food Bank, as needed, and enjoy working with this critical team.
To give you a better understanding of my background and why I believe that I can contribute to this board; I took Business-Tourism in college which allowed me to learn a number of management skills along with Accounting (university level). These courses allowed me to then develop and manage my own budgets when working as an Executive Housekeeper with Four Seasons Hotels and, I also took a number of accounting/budgeting courses over the years of my career in both hospitality and healthcare. My last position as a Manager at St. Michael’s hospital had me responsible for the management of 62 full-time equivalents and a 5.2million annual budget and succeeded all 8 years in being “under budget”.
I work well independently and as part of a team and would like the opportunity to provide what expertise and perspective I can to MCCT’s three committees under the umbrella of “Governance, Finance, and Engagement”.
– Stephenie Naugler
Thanking Outgoing Board Member Andrew Fleming!
Andrew Fleming was born and raised in Baie Comeau, Quebec where he attended a Presbyterian Church growing up. After graduating from McGill University, law degree in hand he had a tremendously successful career in law with firm Norton Rose Fulbright LLP. Andrew’s career took him to London, England and finally to Toronto as Senior Managing Partner. He has been a long-time congregant and volunteer at MCC Toronto with generous financial support and dedication in many volunteer roles including Co-Chair of the Board of Directors, on the Senior Pastor Search Committee, and the Elevation Campaign Cabinet. Andrew’s unique perspective as a lawyer and his constant witticisms light up meetings and provide insight. The piper is playing a tune of thanksgiving for Andrew’s illustrious volunteer career in our midst. Andrew has retired with his partner Roger Keglevich to Prince Edward County where they operate a Bed and Breakfast. But fear not, Andrew remains connected to MCC Toronto via our online services and will remain on MCC Toronto’s Governance Committee as past Co-Chair of the Board.
Board Members with Continuing Terms on MCC Toronto’s Board of Director
After attending her first service at MCC Toronto in 2008, Susan knew she had found a safe spiritual place where she would feel peace, respect and acceptance. She knew she had found home and became a member in 2009.
Wanting to give back to this amazing church, Susan has volunteered in many capacities over the years, and joined MCC Toronto’s Board of Directors in 2020. Beyond the value of helping, she found volunteering was a wonderful way to meet kind, loving and supportive people.
Susan’s professional career was centered around ensuring the emotional well being for children and youth. Since retirement Susan has taken care of her ailing parents, assisted agencies in building or mending staff teams and presented workshops on how to understand and support children with emotional and behavioural challenges.
Sylvie Pelletier came to MCC Toronto in 2011 by first volunteering at a Choir of MCC Toronto special event before joining full time. She came for the music but stayed for the message – feeling a connection she had not felt before. Joining the Board of Directors was Sylvie’s further commitment to this community. Outside of MCC Toronto, Sylvie is a strategic leadership advisor and coach with over 30-years experience in the corporate, non-profit and advertising sectors – much at the executive level.
Kevin Willcock first attended MCC Toronto in 1996. It changed his life and set him on a path to discover his authentic self. Since then he has consistently volunteered at MCC Toronto, including 19 years as a Deacon and 4 years on the Board of Directors. Kevin’s goal is to ensure that MCC Toronto remains vibrant and relevant for generations to come. In his professional career Kevin is employed as a Service Delivery Manager at Oracle, a leading enterprise software provider.
Electing Lay Delegates to the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches General Conference
Statement of Operations (received for information)
Link to Statement of Operations: Statement of Operations & Budget
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